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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Long Distance Relationship: Does it really work?

Wikihow Steps

1. The important questions at the onset, to make sure you are both clear on the parameters of the relationship. Setting parameters such as naming your relationship (dating, seeing each other, boyfriend-girlfriend, engaged) as well as defining exclusive (limited to one person,) or non-exclusive. These can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the line. Example: "Are you open to the possibility of relocating if the relationship should become more serious?" or "What are you looking to get out of the relationship?" Stating your end goal or ideas will allow each person to maintain what they need.

--- I totally agree. I think its best to have everything in the open, for you to know what to expect out of the relationship and out of each other. Hey, I've done this before and it was really helpful. You just need to have alot of trust towards your partner and to the relationship itself. LDR is not your typical relationship and everything is just hard for it's like everything happens virtually.

2. Consider using Skype video chat calls every day, text messaging, phone calls and email everyday. It is important to maintain contact and to be in each other's daily lives as much as possible.

--- Very true. Of course, how would you learn about each other if there is no stable communication. I used to chat, skype, ym, gmail, meebo, sms and email my ex.


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